Veneer Smile Makeover 

Cosmetic dental veneers have become increasingly popular in recent years as more people seek to improve the appearance of their teeth with a smile makeover. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells placed over the front of the teeth to enhance their appearance. They are often made of porcelain or composite resin. 

Veneers can be used to address a variety of cosmetic concerns, including discoloration, chipping, and gaps between teeth. However, at Keith L. Schwartz DMD & Associates in Coral Springs, Florida, we prefer using porcelain as it is more durable and longer lasting than composite. 

In this post, we’ll explore cosmetic dental veneers, their benefits, and what getting veneers with Dr. Keith Schwartz and his team entails.

What are cosmetic dental veneers?

Dental veneers are thin shells custom-made to fit over the front surface of the teeth. They can be made of porcelain or composite resin and are designed to match the color and shape of the surrounding teeth. 

Veneers can be used to address a range of cosmetic concerns, including:

  • Discoloration: Veneers can be used to cover teeth that are discolored or stained, either due to genetics, aging, or lifestyle factors like smoking or consuming certain foods and drinks.
  • Chipping and cracking: Veneers can cover teeth that are chipped or cracked, restoring their appearance and protecting them from further damage.
  • Gaps between teeth: Veneers can be used to close gaps between teeth, creating a more uniform and attractive smile.
  • Uneven teeth: Veneers can be used to improve the appearance of teeth that are uneven in size or shape, creating a more balanced and harmonious smile.

What are the benefits of cosmetic dental veneers with Dr. Keith L. Schwartz?

Cosmetic dental veneers offer a range of benefits, including:

  • Improved appearance: Veneers can dramatically improve the appearance of your teeth, creating a brighter, more even, and more attractive smile.
  • Durability: Veneers are made from solid and durable materials and can last many years with proper care. This is especially true for porcelain veneers.
  • Customizable: Veneers are custom-made by Dr. Keith L. Schwartz to fit your teeth and match the color and shape of the surrounding teeth, ensuring a natural-looking result.
  • Minimally invasive: The process of getting veneers is minimally invasive, typically requiring only a tiny amount of tooth enamel to be removed before the veneers are placed.
  • Versatility: Veneers can be used to address a range of cosmetic concerns, making them a versatile option for many patients.

What is the process of getting veneers at Keith L. Schwartz, DMD & Associates?

The process of getting veneers typically involves several steps:

  • Consultation: Your dentist will examine your teeth and discuss your goals for treatment to determine if veneers are the right option for you.
  • Preparation: To prepare for veneers, a small amount of tooth enamel may need to be removed to make room for the veneers. Your dentist will take impressions of your teeth and send them to a dental lab, where your veneers will be custom-made.
  • Placement: Once your veneers are ready, your dentist will place them over your teeth using a special bonding agent. They will then use a special light to cure the bonding agent and securely attach the veneers to your teeth.
  • Follow-up: Your dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment to check the fit and placement of your veneers and make any necessary adjustments.

It’s important to note that while veneers offer many benefits, they may only be suitable for some. Your dentist will help determine if veneers are the right option for your needs and goals.

Cosmetic dental veneers from Keith L. Schwartz DMD & Associates offer a span of benefits for patients seeking to improve the appearance of their teeth. They are a versatile and durable option that can address various cosmetic concerns, and getting veneers is minimally invasive. If you’re considering veneers as a part of a smile makeover, speak with your dentist in Coral Springs, Florida, Dr. Keith L. Schwartz, to determine if they are