How Dental Implants and Dentures Keep Your Smile Shining

Missing teeth are a difficult thing to cope with, and something that doesn’t go away without dental help. Everything about replacing missing teeth is intimidating, from the price to the amount of professional attention it requires. However, implementing the solution can be a lot less scary when the exact details behind this process come to […]

Veneer Smile Makeover 

Cosmetic dental veneers have become increasingly popular in recent years as more people seek to improve the appearance of their teeth with a smile makeover. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells placed over the front of the teeth to enhance their appearance. They are often made of porcelain or composite resin.  Veneers can be used to […]

Five Tips for Better Brushing

We all clean our teeth (hopefully). However, there is a lot of misinformation about doing it correctly. With the advent of the internet, people have never had such excellent access to information about oral health. But, there has also never been a worse time for exposure to myths about teeth cleaning that are not true. […]

Signs of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a common oral health condition that affects the gums and bones that support the teeth. If left untreated, this problem can lead to tooth loss and other serious health problems.  Understanding periodontal disease symptoms is essential to prevent its progression and maintain good oral health. Here are […]

What Causes Bad Breath, and How do You Fix it?

man with bad breath

They’re in your mouth! Thousands upon thousands, waiting to generate one of the things we dislike most about our mouths—bad breath.  It ruins dates, kills confidence, and affects how you approach talking to people. But what lives in your mouth that causes bad breath, why does it happen, and how can you avoid it? Here’s […]

What to know about cavities

Cavities are an oral health issue that many of us start dealing with at a young age. Most people who have gotten a dental filling know that a cavity is a hole in the tooth—and to an extent, they are correct, but there is a lot more to the process than that. Here is some […]

How to prevent and avoid discolored teeth 

Avoiding discolored teeth is much more complicated than one might think. While discoloration of the tooth can occur when the root dies due to injury, we often see discoloration stemming from eating certain foods and drinking certain beverages.  So what do you specifically need to avoid if you don’t want discolored teeth? Are there treatments […]